CASA BLANCO COUNTRY HOUSE LODGE has a CH category rating and is situated in the town of Palas de Rei, in the region of Ulloa, Lugo. It has all the charm you would expect of a house in the country and all the services you need for a pleasantly relaxing stay. It´s located at 5 Km. from the village of Palas de Rei, at 1,5 Km. from Way of Saint James, 38 Km. from Lugo and 58 Km. from Santiago de Compostela. Around the house UD. can enjoy Rio de Pambre, Pambre Castle and torrents of Macara, as well as the wonderful forests of centenary oak trees that characterize our region.
Casa Blanco has a capacity to accommodate a maximum of 15 people, the house has four double bedrooms with bathroom and a family room consists of two double rooms with private bath. Also has available extra beds for your accommodation needs. All rooms have cots and wi-fi.
Other facilities
The house also has: – Library. – Garden/terrace. – Outdoor parking. – Green areas.